

    As on : 20-Feb-2025 EOD

    Allows viewing the list of underlying stock’s Option type, Strike Price, last price, number of contracts traded, open interest. Click on Right side drop down box to select various F&O instruments.
Buy Sell Net Buy / Sell Value (Rs) Open Interest at the end of the day
No. of Contracts Value (Rs .Cr) No. of Contracts Value (Rs .Cr) No. of Contracts Value (Rs .Cr)
Index Futures 19309 3,182.96 25980 4,244.22 -1061.26 279,774 44,741.87
Index Options 9562622 1,630,136.44 9599043 1,636,039.26 -5902.82 1,961,479 318,601.68
Stock Futures 481378 28,792.58 448476 27,282.16 1510.42 5,855,630 353,628.81
Stock Options 1330914 82,032.63 1307971 81,302.87 729.76 1,765,413 103,633.81