Equity Analysis

Directors Report

    Home First Finance Company India Ltd
    Industry :  Finance - Housing
    BSE Code
    ISIN Demat
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    Mar.Cap( Cr.)
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The Members,

Home First finance Company India Limited (the “Company”/ “HomeFirst”)

Your Directors take pleasure in presenting the 15th Annual Report of the Company together with the Audited Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended on March 31, 2024 (“FY24”).

Company Overview:

Home First finance Company India Limited (”HomeFirst”), a housing finance company (”HFC”), is a public limited company incorporated on February 3, 2010, under the Companies Act, 1956 and has its registered office at 511, Acme Plaza, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 400 059. The Company is registered as a non-deposit-taking HFC with the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”). The Company has been listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (”NSE”) and BSE Limited (”BSE”) since Feb'21. The market capitalization as per NSE and BSE as on March 31, 2024 were 7,946.98 Crs and 7,947.87 Crs, respectively. In pursuance of Reserve Bank of India (Non-Banking Financial Company - Scale Based Regulation) Directions dated October 19, 2023, as amended from time to time, the Company has been classified in the ‘Middle Layer'. The Company is also registered with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) as a Corporate Agent w.e.f. Feb'24.


State of Company's A airs:

The Company remained focused on providing loans for affordable housing, led by the distribution and use of technology, backed by diversified funding and strong risk management. Your Company has pan India distribution via 133 physical branches and 321 touchpoints led by strategic market selection and contiguous expansion.

As of FY24, your Company's efforts have yielded noteworthy results, with strong performance across all operating and financial parameters. The Company delivered Pro t After Tax (“PAT”) growth of 33.9% y-o-y, leading to a Return on Equity (”ROE”) of 15.5% in a high interest rate environment. We believe the level of consistency and superior returns is a testimony to our strong risk management, use of the right technology and scalability of our differentiated business model.

In its 14-years journey, the Company has served 1,29,615 customers and collaborated with 31 lenders. During the year, your Company has raised 4,447.99 Crs through various modes. The Company is supported by a dedicated team of 1,249 employees to ensure sustainable growth while fulfilling our mission of making affordable housing a reality for all.

Your Company further believes that given the tailwinds in the housing sector supported by overall economic growth momentum and the strong execution mindset of the Company, we will continue to deliver excellent results to the aspiring home buyers with ease and transparency.

Financial Results:

The key highlights of the Audited Financial Statements of your Company for FY24 and a comparison with the previous financial year ended on March 31, 2023 (“FY23”) is summarized below:

(Amount in Crs)

Particulars FY24 FY23
Total Income 1,156.55 795.60
Less: Total Expenses 756.59 500.38
Profit/ (Loss) before tax 399.96 295.22
Less: Current tax 94.46 71.45
Deferred tax (0.22) (4.52)
Profit after Tax 305.72 228.29
Other Comprehensive Income (0.23) (0.14)
Transfer of Statutory Reserve (u/s 29C of NHB Act, 1987) (61.50) (45.90)
Balance carried to Balance Sheet 243.99 182.25
Earnings per Share (Face Value 2)
Basic () 34.65 26.01
Diluted () 33.67 25.20

Dividend & Reserves:

The Board of Directors (“Board”) recommended that a portion of the surplus be distributed as a dividend to shareholders for FY24. The Board has recommended an amount of 3.40/- per equity share, which is equivalent to 170% of the face value of the equity shares, subject to the approval of the members, to be paid out as dividend. The dividend payout ratio for FY24 shall be 10%. The dividend declared is in accordance with the Dividend Distribution policy adopted by the Company. The Dividend Distribution Policy is hosted on the website of the Company. The Company has not declared any interim dividend during the year.

During the year under review, pursuant to Section 29C of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987, the Company had transferred a sum of 61.50 Crs out of the previous year's profits available for appropriation to the Statutory Reserve Fund.

Unclaimed Dividend:

As on March 31, 2024, dividend amounting to 69,053/- relating to FY23 had not been claimed by Shareholders of the Company and the same has been transferred to Unclaimed Dividend Account of the Company. The Company has been following up with these Shareholders to claim their dividend. A list of all the shareholders who have not claimed their dividend is hosted on the website of the Company.

Business Update:

‘RESILIENCE' is at the core of the Company's DNA. HomeFirst has demonstrated the ability to adapt to a changing environment to enable it to deliver its objectives and prosper. Your Company has successfully navigated disruptions caused by geo political and other upheavals during the year. The Company has grown its Asset Under Management (”AUM”) by 34.7% while providing loans to more than 29,000 customers during the year. ~88% of the borrowers in FY24 are women, while loans given to EWS / LIG borrowers account for 63%.

HomeFirst has built a scalable business model leveraging technology in the affordable housing finance sector and continues to fortify its position by deepening its retail footprint across the key states of the country. Currently, the Company is physically present in 13 States/UT with a network of 133 branches. The States/UT wise disbursal break up for FY24 is as follows:

States/UT Branches Districts Disbursals FY24 ( Crs) Share (%)
Gujarat 31 22 1,119.94 28.3%
Tamil Nadu 23 25 576.08 14.5%
Maharashtra 22 19 459.49 11.6%
Telangana 9 12 346.89 8.8%
Madhya Pradesh 11 10 314.38 7.9%
Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand 6 11 309.73 7.8%
Rajasthan 10 8 262.24 6.6%
Karnataka 6 7 250.47 6.3%
Andhra Pradesh 9 9 200.87 5.1%
Chhattisgarh 4 5 84.97 2.1%
Haryana & NCR 2 3 38.34 1.0%
Total 133 131 3,963.40 100.0%

The states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are large emerging markets in the affordable housing space, owing to increasing pace of industrialization and urbanisation underway in these states. Your Company believes that the next phase of growth will come from these states and intends to increase its presence in these markets in the coming years.

Expanding on the framework established in the preceding years, we have rmly established ourselves as a tech-enabled, retail-focused affordable housing finance player. With these strategic initiatives, your company is in a strong position to increase its market presence and improve operational efficiency in the coming years.

The highlights of the Company's performance during FY24 are as follows:

The AUM as at Mar'24 amounted to 9,697.83 Crs vis-a-vis 7,197.97 Crs in the previous year; a year-on-year growth of 34.7%.

The profit before tax for FY24 increased by 35.5% to 399.96 Crs (FY23: 295.22 Crs). The profit after tax for FY24 increased by 33.9% to 305.72 Crs (FY23: 228.29 Crs).

Strong Capital Adequacy ratio of 39.5% as of Mar'24.

Stable Asset Quality - The Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) as on Mar'24 was 1.7% of the total loan book of the Company and corresponding Net Non-performing Assets (NNPA) was 1.2%.

The Net Interest Income reported for the year was 470.95 Crs vis-a-vis 379.24 Crs in FY23.

The Networth of the Company as on March 31, 2024 was 2,121.49 Crs (FY23: 1,817.34 Crs).

HomeFirst's commitment to sustainable growth is under pinned by robust governance standards and a dedication to fostering positive social and environmental change. This commitment has proven successful, as evidenced by the organization's achievement of one of the highest ESG risk ratings within the BFSI sector, provided by MorningStar Sustainalytics. HomeFirst has been assigned an ESG Risk Rating of 16.2, characterized by low risk and a strong rating for its ESG risk management practices.

Resources and Liquidity:

The Company continues to diversify its sources of borrowing with a focus on longer term borrowings and maintains a prudent mix of borrowings from banks, the National Housing Bank and other sources. With sharp focus on liquidity risk management, long-term borrowings, and diversified funding sources, the Company has been able to maintain a strong asset liability position and competitive cost of borrowing during FY24. The Company's judicious and timely fund planning in line with its resource planning and ALCO policy enabled optimal Asset Liability management and also ensured strong liquidity buffers throughout the year.

During the year under review, the Company has raised (i) 3,315.00 Crs borrowings from banks / finance companies (outstanding as on March 31, 2024: 5,454.93 Crs); (ii) 432.99 Crs raised by way of Direct Assignment & Co-lending; (iii) 700.00 Crs through re- finance from NHB (outstanding as on March 31, 2024: 1,569.64 Crs).

Note: The above numbers are calculated in accordance with the IND-AS.

There was no borrowing made through NCDs during the year under review (outstanding as on March 31, 2024: 280.00 Crs).

Further, the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (”LCR”) for Q4FY24 was 180.33% as against the regulatory requirement of 60%.


As at the end of FY24, the Company has outstanding secured, unlisted NCDs amounting to 280 Crs. Further, during the financial year under review, the Company has redeemed its Series 1 and Series 2 Secured, Listed, Non- Convertible Debentures aggregate to amount of 70.00 Crs, in full,

CREDIT RATING: resulting to delisting of Debentures from the recognized stock exchange. The NCDs were redeemed by your Company on their respective due dates and there were no instances of any NCDs which have not been claimed by the investor or not paid by the Company after the date on which the NCDs became due for redemption. The Company has complied with the provisions of Non-Banking Financial Company Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021, SEBI (Issue and Listing of Non- Convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI LODR”) and the Act.

Disclosure as per Master Direction Non-Banking Financial Company - Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021:

(I) The total number of non-convertible debentures which have not been claimed by the Investors or not paid by the housing finance company after the date on which the non-convertible debentures became due for redemption: Nil.

(ii) The total amount in respect of such Debentures remaining unclaimed or unpaid beyond the date of such debentures become due for redemption: Nil.

The Company's financial discipline and prudence is reflected in the credit ratings assigned by Credit Rating Agencies as under:

(Amount in Crs)

Instrument Rating Agency Rating Outlook Amount
Term Loan ICRA AA- Stable 4,500
India Ratings AA- Positive 3,300
CARE AA- Stable 514
Commercial Paper ICRA A1+ - 100
India Ratings A1+ - 100
Non-Convertible Debentures ICRA AA- Stable 56
India Ratings AA- Positive 400

Migration of the Credit Rating of the Company:

During the FY24, India Ratings and Research Private Limited

(“India Ratings”) reaffirmed the rating i.e. IND AA - and has revised the outlook from stable to positive. The Company believes that this revision reflects the strengthening credit pro le of the Company driven by an established and growing franchise in retail affordable housing space with a deepening geographical presence, well-diversified funding access, adequate liquidity, a sizable capital base, stable pro tability buffers and adequate risk management processes.

Capital Adequacy Ratio:

The Company's capital adequacy ratio as of Mar'24 stands at 39.5% (Mar'23: 49.4%) (Tier I Capital Adequacy Ratio 39.1%), which is significantly higher than the minimum required level of 15% under the RBI Master Directions, indicating the Company's robust position.


Your Company being a non-deposit-taking Housing Finance Company has not accepted or renewed any amount falling within the purview of provisions of Section 73 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014 during the financial year under review. Hence, the requirement for furnishing the details relating to deposits covered under Chapter V of the Act or the details of deposits that are not in compliance with Chapter V of the Act is not applicable.


No awards have been granted to the Company during FY24.


There has been no change in nature of business of the Company during the year under review.

Alteration of Memorandum of Association:

During the year under review, the Company has altered its object clause in the Memorandum of Association through postal ballot in Dec'23 in order to enable the Company to cross-sell a broader range of insurance products such as life, health and general to its customers, in addition to the existing sale of group insurance products.

Alteration of Articles of Association:

During the year under review, the Company has also altered its articles of association at its 14th AGM held on June 8, 2023 in order to bring the AOA in lines with the provision mentioned in Regulation 23(6) of Securities Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Non-Convertible Securities) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023 dated February 2, 2023.


During the financial year under review, the Company did not have any Subsidiary, Associate or Joint venture Companies.


No material changes and commitments, affecting the financial position of the Company have occurred between the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2024 and till the date of this Director's Report.


Authorized Share Capital:

During the financial year under review, there was no change in the Authorized Share Capital of the Company.

Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Share Capital:

During the financial year under review, the Company allotted 4,99,400 Equity Shares to employees on exercise of stock options granted under ESOP 2012 Scheme, ESOP II Scheme and ESOP 2021 Scheme. Pursuant to the aforesaid allotments of equity shares, the issued, subscribed and paid-up share capital of the Company stands increased to 17,70,32,334/- (8,85,16,167 Equity Shares of Face Value 2/- each).


During the financial year under review, the Company has entered certain transactions/contract with related parties which were in ordinary course and at arm's length price. The details of transactions with related parties were placed before the Audit and Board at quarterly and annual intervals respectively. The Company has not entered into any material transactions with related parties during the year.

The Company has obtained Omnibus approval for the same from the Audit Committee, and the requirement of disclosure of Related Party Transactions in terms of Section 134(h) of the Act is provided in Form AOC-2 as Annexure I.

Further as required by Master Directions Non-Banking Financial Company - Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021, Policy on Materiality of Related Party Transactions and Dealing with Related Party Transactions ("RPT Policy") is annexed as Annexure II and the same can be accessed on the website of the Company at RPT Policy.


Since your Company is engaged in financial services activities, its operations are not energy intensive nor does it require adoption of specific technology and hence information in terms of Section 134(3)(m) of the Act read with the Companies

(Accounts) Rules, 2014 is not provided in this Board's Report. However, the Company has given the details of its initiative in relation to conservation of energy and technology absorption in BRSR provided in Annexure VII.

Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo:

The Company has no foreign exchange earnings and has made expenditure in foreign currency as per the following table:

(Amount in Crs)

Sr no Particulars FY24 FY23
1. Software license 1.46 2.03
2. Technology fee - 0.46
3. Bank charges - Finance 0.04 0.42
4. NCD Listing Fees - 0.21
5. Recruitment expenses 0.03 -
6. Interest expense on foreign currency borrowings 9.86 -
Total 11.39 3.12


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134(3)(a) of the Act, the copy of Annual Return in Form MGT-7 as required under Section 92(3) of the Act shall be placed on the website of the Company atwww.homefirstindia.com.


The Company is a Housing finance Company, the disclosure regarding particulars of loans given, guarantees given, security provided and investment made in the ordinary course of business is exempted under the provisions of Section 186 (11) of the Act.


The Company has in place adequate internal financial controls with reference to its financial statements. During the financial year under review, such controls were tested and no reportable material weakness in the design or operation was observed. In the opinion of the Auditors of the Company, there are adequate internal financial control procedures that is commensurate with the size of the Company.


The Company's inclusive and diverse Board works to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders. Further, in pursuance of Section 149 of the Act and Regulation 17 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 the Board is appropriately constituted with an appropriate mix of Executive, Non-executive and Independent Directors.

There were total of 8 Directors in the Company as at Mar'24; viz. four (4) Independent Directors out of which two (2) are Women Independent Directors, three (3) Nominee Directors and 1 (one) Executive Director and CEO. The Chairman of the Board is an Independent Director.

Details of Board of Directors along with the Key Managerial Personnel as on Mar'24 is mentioned below:

Name DIN/PAN Designation
Mr. Deepak Satwalekar 00009627 Chairman and Independent Director
Ms. Geeta Dutta Goel 02277155 Independent Director
Mr. Anuj Srivastava 09369327 Independent Director
Ms. Sucharita Mukherjee 02569078 Independent Director
Mr. Divya Sehgal 01775308 Nominee, Non-Executive Director
Mr. Maninder Singh Juneja 02680016 Nominee, Non-Executive Director
Mr. Narendra Ostawal 06530414 Nominee, Non-Executive Director
Mr. Manoj Viswanathan 01741612 Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Nutan Gaba Patwari AGSPG3187G Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Shreyans Bachhawat AJDPB9500E Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

All the directors of the Company have confirmed that they are not disqualified from being appointed as directors in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.

Appointment / Resignation of Directors:

During FY24, there has been no change in the Board of Directors of the Company. However, Mr. Manoj Viswanathan (DIN: 01741612) was re-appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer for a period of 5 years w.e.f. August 1, 2023. Further, Board and Members of the Company have approved the continuation of Directorship of Mr. Deepak Satwalekar, Chairman and Independent Director (DIN:00009627) beyond the age of 75 years till the expiry of his current term.

Appointment after the Financial Year:

Mr. Deepak Satwalekar (DIN: 00009627) was appointed as Chairman and Independent Director for a term of 5 years with effect from October 23, 2019 up to October 22, 2024. Consequent to his forthcoming expiration of first term, the Board at their meeting held on May 8, 2024 on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, has considered his re-appointment and recommended to the shareholders for a second term of 5 years. A brief pro le of Mr. Deepak Satwalekar is provided in the notice to the annual general meeting which forms part of the annual report.

Key Managerial Personnel (KMP):

During the year under review, there was no change in the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company except reappointment of Mr. Manoj Viswanathan (DIN: 01741612) as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer for a period of 5 years w.e.f. August 1, 2023.

In terms of the Act, the following are the KMPs of the Company as on March 31, 2024:

a.--Mr. Manoj Viswanathan Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. b.--Ms. Nutan Gaba Patwari Chief Financial Officer. c.--Mr. Shreyans Bachhawat Company Secretary and Compliance Officer.

Declaration by Independent Directors:

There are four Independent Directors on the Board of the Company. The Independent Directors have submitted their Declaration of Independence in accordance with the provisions of Section 149(6) of the Act read with Regulation 16 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015; stating that they meet the criteria of Independence and are not disqualified from continuing as Independent Directors and they have complied with the Code for Independent Directors as prescribed in Schedule IV to the Act.

The Board is of the opinion that the Independent Directors of the Company are eminent persons and possess requisite qualifications, integrity, expertise and experience (including the proficiency). As required under Rule 6(1) and 6(2) of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, all the Independent Directors of the Company have confirmed that they have registered their names with the data bank maintained by the Indian Institute of Corporate A airs and they have either undertaken the online proficiency self-assessment test or are exempted therefrom.

Declaration of Fit & Proper Criteria:

All the Directors of the Company have given the declaration to the effect that they are Fit & Proper, to be appointed as Director, as per the criteria prescribed by RBI and IRDAI.

Director(s) Retiring by Rotation:

In terms of Section 152(6) of the Act read with the Articles of Association of the Company, not less than one-third of the total number of retiring directors should retire by rotation, at every Annual General Meeting. For the purpose of this section, the total number of directors to retire by rotation shall not include Independent Directors.

In accordance with provisions Section 152 of the Act, Mr. Narendra Ostawal (DIN: 06530414), Nominee Director of the Company, being longest in the office, retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and is eligible for re-appointment. A brief pro le of Mr. Narendra Ostawal is provided in the annual report.

Performance Evaluation of the Board, Committees and Individual Directors:

The Company has defined a manner of evaluation as per the provisions of the Act and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and formulated a method for the evaluation of the performance of the Board, Committees of Board and individual Directors. The above manner is based on the Guidance Note on Board Evaluation issued by the SEBI on January 05, 2017.

The Board evaluates each director's performance as well as that of the Committees viz. Audit Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee, CSR & ESG Committee, Stakeholder Relationship Committee, IT Strategy Committee and Risk Management Committee, as well as the performance of each Independent Director.

A separate meeting of Independent Directors was convened on March 18, 2024 for the FY24 in the absence of the Non-Independent Directors and the Company's Management. In order for the Board to carry out its responsibilities in an efficient and responsible manner, the Independent Directors have evaluated and reviewed the performance of the Non-Independent Directors as well as the Board's overall performance in terms of the quantity, quality, and timeliness of information exchanged between the Management and the Board.

Corporate Governance Report:

The Corporate Governance report is furnished as Annexure III to this report. A certificate from Bhatt & Associates Company Secretaries LLP, Practicing Company Secretaries, confirming compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as prescribed under the Listing Regulations is annexed to the Corporate Governance Report. Further, pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para-C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, M/s. Bhatt & Associates Company Secretaries LLP have stated that for FY24, none of the Directors have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate A airs or any such other Statutory Authority and a certificate to that effect has been annexed to the corporate Governance report and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) annual certification on financial statements and internal controls in terms of Regulation 17(8) of the SEBI LODR Regulations is also annexed to the Corporate Governance report.

Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance:

As on Mar'24, your Company adhered to the Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance adopted in accordance with Master Directions Non-Banking Finance Company- Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021, which inter-alia, defines the legal, contractual and social responsibilities of the Company towards its various Stakeholders and lays down the Corporate Governance practices of the Company. The said policy is available on the website of the Company and can be accessed at corporate Governance policy.

Company's policy on Director's appointment and remuneration:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down criteria for determining Directors Qualification, Attributes and Independence of a Directors, remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees and criteria for evaluation of Directors, Chairperson, Non-Executive Directors and Board and the evaluation process of the same. The salient features of the policy are given in the Corporate Governance Report which forms part of Annual Report. Further, during the financial year under review, the Company has renamed the name of the “Nomination and Remuneration Policy” to “Nomination and Compensation Policy” and carried out amendment in the said policy in accordance with the RBI ‘Guidelines on Compensation of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) and Senior Management in NBFCs' dated April 29, 2022. The policy may be accessed on the Company's website at Nomination and Compensation Policy.

Further as required by Master Directions Non-Banking Finance Company - Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021 and Master Direction Reserve Bank of India (Non-Banking Financial Company Scale Based Regulation) Directions, 2023, as amended from time to time, there were no pecuniary relationship or transactions of the non-executive directors with the Company except sitting fees and profit related commission paid to the Independent Directors.

Management Discussion and Analysis:

In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) and Master Directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India, the Management Discussion and Analysis Report (MD&A) forms part of this annual report.

Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (‘BRSR'):

In terms of Regulations 34(2)(f) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the top 1000 listed entities, based on the market capitalization (calculated as on 31st March of every financial year) shall submit business responsibility and sustainability report for FY24 describing the initiatives taken by these listed entities from an environmental, social and Governance perspective, in the format as specified by SEBI from time to time. The Company being amongst top 1000 listed entities, have included the BRSR report as part of the Annual Report as

Annexure VII.


Board and Committee Meetings:

During FY24, the Board of Directors of the Company met 4 times i.e. on May 2, 2023, July 27, 2023, October 26, 2023 and January 18, 2024. The details of meetings of the Board and its Committees held during the financial year under review are provided in the Corporate Governance Report of the Directors which forms a part of this report. The intervening gap between the two Board meetings was within the period prescribed under the Act.

There are six Board committees of the Company which on supervision of the Board perform the task as per their charter. The details of the Committees as on Mar'24 are:

Sr. No. Name of Committee Members (Designation)
Ms. Sucharita Mukherjee (Chairperson)
1. Audit Committee Ms. Geeta Dutta Goel (Member)
Mr. Maninder Singh Juneja(Member)
Ms. Geeta Dutta Goel (Chairperson)
2. Nomination and Remuneration Committee Mr. Anuj Srivastava (Member)
Mr. Narendra Ostawal (Member)
Ms. Geeta Dutta Goel (Chairperson)
3. CSR and ESG Committee Ms. Sucharita Mukherjee (Member)
Mr. Manoj Viswanathan (Member)
Ms. Sucharita Mukherjee (Chairperson)
4. Stakeholders Relationship Committee Mr. Maninder Singh Juneja (Member)
Mr. Manoj Viswanathan (Member)
Mr. Maninder Singh Juneja (Chairperson)
Ms. Sucharita Mukherjee (Member)
5. Risk Management Committee Mr. Narendra Ostawal (Member)
Mr. Manoj Viswanathan (Member)
Ms. Nutan Gaba Patwari (Member)
Mr. Ajay Khetan (Member)
Mr. Ashishkumar Darji (Member)
Mr. Anuj Srivastava (Chairperson)
6 IT Strategy Committee Mr. Maninder Singh Juneja (Member)
Mr. Manoj Viswanathan (Member)
Mr. Ajay Khetan (Member)

During the year under review, the Board, after deliberations, has accepted all the recommendations of Board Level Committees. A detailed report on all the committees including their terms of reference, number of times they met etc., is there in the corporate Governance report which forms part of this report.

Whistle Blower Policy / Vigil Mechanism:

In accordance with the provisions of Section 177(9) of the Act and the rules made thereunder, the Company has established Vigil mechanism and adopted a Whistleblower Policy under the surveillance of the Audit committee. The Company has adopted a work culture which ensures the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity, moral and ethical behavior.

The Policy may be accessed on the Company's website at Whistleblower Policy.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

The Company has worked on projects supporting healthcare, education, livelihood support, as well as skill development for migrant workers and the empowerment of women workers, as part of its "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" activities. During the year, the Company has spent 4.40 Crs on various CSR activities. The CSR Policy can be accessed on the Company's website at CSR Policy. "Annexure IV" which forms part of this report contains information of the CSR projects. The projects undertaken by the Company are in accordance with Schedule VII of the Act read with the relevant rules and the CSR policy of the Company.


Considering the nature of business and the macroeconomic conditions, the Company is exposed to various types of risks. These risks can be intrinsic or related to the market. The Company has consistently prioritised the identification, measurement, and mitigation of risks. As a Housing Finance Company, the Company is exposed to various risks such as credit risk, market risk (interest rate and currency risk), liquidity risk, and operational risk (technology, personnel, transaction, and reputation risk).

The Company has an efficient Risk Management Control Framework that has been designed to cover all of the aforementioned areas to identify and mitigate all of these risks. With a wealth of cross-domain industry experience, the Company's directors and senior management team, members constitute the Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) to overcome these challenges. Through the year, the RMC met several times and actively monitored any emerging risks to which the Company could be exposed. The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of the Company is in charge of identifying, quantifying, and mitigating risks. The CRO also meets the RMC at least once a quarter without the presence of the management team, to address the risks the company faces and the procedures in place to reduce them.

The Company has a strong structure in place to ensure that systems, policies, processes, and procedures are continuously reviewed to contain and reduce risks that may occasionally develop. To reduce these risks, controls that are already in place are continuously assessed, and any necessary strengthening or enhancement is made in response to the assessment. The support of various subcommittees like ALCO, Credit Committee, IT Steering Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee, Identification Committee etc. along with the introduction of the RBIA framework has strengthened the overall risk management framework.

A detailed report on Risk Management is presented in the Management & Discussion Analysis report, which is part of this annual report.


Appointment of Auditors:

M/s. Deloitte Haskins and Sells (“Statutory Auditors”), Chartered Accountants, Firm registration no: 117365W, were appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for a term of 3 years at the Annual General Meeting held on August 5, 2021 till the conclusion of 15th AGM of the Company to be held in the year 2024. The term of M/s. Deloitte Haskins and Sells would expire in the forthcoming 15th Annual General Meeting.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 139 of the Act and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, read with RBI Guidelines on appointment of statutory auditor(s) by Housing Finance Companies, the Board has recommended, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company, appointment of M/s. BSR & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants, Firm registration no: 116231W/W-100024, as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for a term of 3 years. The Company has received a confirmation letter from the M/s BSR & Co. LLP that they are not disqualified and are eligible to hold the office as Auditors of the Company, if appointed.

Qualification/ Reservation/ Adverse remark / Disclaimer of Statutory Auditors on Financial Statements for FY24:

The Statutory Auditors have not made any adverse comments or given any qualification, reservation or adverse remarks or disclaimer in their Audit Report on the Financial Statements for FY24.

Fraud Reported by Auditors:

During the year under review, the Statutory Auditors have not reported any instances of fraud committed in the Company by its officers or employees to the Board/Audit Committee under Section 143(12) of the Act.

Internal Auditors:

In accordance with Section 138 of the Act, the Company had appointed M/s. P Chandrashekhar LLP and M/s BDO India LLP as Joint Internal Auditors, with specific roles for branch and head office functions respectively. Additionally, M/s. Kirtane & Pandit LLP was engaged to support the Head of Internal Audit in branch audits in Q4FY24.

The appointment was made to conduct comprehensive audits of functional areas and operations to examine the adequacy of, and compliance with policies, plans and statutory requirements. For the year under review, the Internal Auditors have not submitted material qualifications, reservations or adverse remarks or disclaimers.

Mainte finance of Cost records:

The Company being a Housing Finance Company is not required to maintain cost records as prescribed under section 148(1) of the Act.

Secretarial Standards:

During the financial year under review, the Company has complied with the applicable secretarial standards issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

Secretarial Auditors' and Secretarial Compliance Report:

In accordance with Section 204 of the Act and Rule 9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the Company had appointed M/s. Bhatt & Associates Company Secretaries LLP, Practicing Company Secretaries (COP No.: 7023) to conduct secretarial audit of the Company for 3 years starting from FY22 till FY24. The Secretarial Audit report has been annexed to this Report as Annexure V. The Secretarial Auditors have not submitted any qualifications, reservations or adverse remarks or disclaimers. Further, the Secretarial Auditors have not reported any instances of fraud in terms of Section 143 (12) of the Act.


HomeFirst's most valuable resource and strength is its workforce. Your company has implemented practices that allow it to cultivate a work culture that is constantly focused on giving employees the best opportunities while also attracting, retaining, and nurturing talent in a market that is becoming more and more competitive. All employees, regardless of tenure, are given organised learning opportunities according to their function, level, and area of interest. Early in their careers, the emphasis is on preparing employees for their roles through practical knowledge and skill-based training; at mid-levels, this shifts to management competence building, and at senior levels, leadership. Further, to ensure that internal and external stakeholders receive excellent standards of service, the sta members are out tted with a variety of functional and behavioural abilities. Over the year, the Company has offered both online and o ine knowledge and skill-based training.

Your Company is also an equal-opportunity employer. In addition to creating a diversi ed sta across age, gender, and socioeconomic groups, your Company has also established a positive work atmosphere. As part of its philosophy, the Company hires recent college graduates, provides them with on-the-job training to help them reach their full potential, and eventually offers them a viable career path inside the Company. The Company has always considered the well-being of its personnel. We have partnered with several organisations to provide teleconsultation and counselling services to help sta members manage their physical and emotional health. The Company has a mediclaim policy for its employees and their immediate relatives and term life policy and accidental coverage for its employees.

As of Mar'24, there were 133 branches and 1,249 employees working for the Company.


In order to enable the employees of the Company to participate in its future growth and success, the Company has three Employee Stock Option Schemes. In terms of Regulation 14 of SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021, the disclosures for FY24 with respect to all the ESOP Schemes have been provided on the website of the Company at www.homefirstindia.com.

Employee Remuneration:

In terms of Section 197 of the Act read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the disclosures with respect to the remuneration of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and employees of the Company have been provided in Annexure VI to this Board's Report. Further, statement containing details of employees as required in terms of Section 197 of the Act read with Rule 5(2) and Rule 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, is available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company during working hours for a period of 21 days before the date of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

In terms of the provisions of Section 136 of the Act read with the said Rule, the Directors' Report is being sent to the shareholders excluding the annexure. A copy of the statement may be obtained by shareholders by writing to the Company Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company or at corporate@homefirstindia.com.


In accordance with the Act and the rules made thereunder the Company has adopted and implemented a policy on ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment'. The Policy is available on the website of the Company at POSH Policy. The Company has complied with the provisions relating to the constitution of Internal Complaints Committee under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (“POSH Act”).

During FY24, the Company did not receive any complaint. The Annual Report as required under Section 21 of the POSH Act read with Rule 14 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 has been submitted to the respective authority.


The Company has complied with the guidelines, circulars and directions issued by RBI from time to time. The Company has adopted all the Policies as recommended by regulatory authorities from time to time.

The Company also has been following directions / guidelines / circulars issued by Accounting Standards, Income Tax Act, 1961 and Ministry of Corporate A airs from time to time, as applicable to the Company.


Other disclosures as per provisions of Section 134 of the Act read with Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 are furnished as under:

Disclosure of Significant and Material Order(s) passed by Regulators or Courts or Tribunal:

During the year under review, there were no significant and material order(s) passed by the Regulators / Courts/ Tribunal which would impact the going concern status of the Company and its future operations.

Director's Responsibility Statement:

In terms of Section 134(5) of the Act, in relation to the audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended Mar'24, the Board of Directors hereby confirm that:

in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures;

the directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and the Directors made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent to give a true and fair view of the state of a airs of the Company as at Mar'24, and of the profit of the Company for the year;

the directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the mainte finance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

the directors have prepared the annual accounts of the Company on a going concern basis;

the directors have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating effectively;

the directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.

Disclosure under Section 43(a)(ii) of the Act:

The Company has not issued any shares with differential rights and hence no information as per provisions of Section 43(a)(ii) of the Act read with Rule 4(4) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014 is furnished.

Disclosure under Section 54(1)(d) of the Act:

The Company has not issued any sweat equity shares during the year under review and hence no information as per provisions of Section 54(1)(d) of the Act read with Rule 8(13) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014 is furnished.

Disclosure under Section 67(3) of the Act:

During the year under review, there were no instances of non-exercising of voting rights in respect of shares purchased directly by employees under a scheme hence no information pursuant to Section 67(3) of the Act read with Rule 16(4) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 is furnished.

Disclosure under Rule 8 of the Companies (accounts) Rules, 2014:

During the year under review the Company has not made any application nor any proceedings are pending under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 further there were no instances of one-time settlement for any loans taken from the Banks or Financial Institutions.


The Board of Directors places its gratitude and appreciation for the support and cooperation from all the stakeholders of the Company including the Reserve Bank of India, National Housing Bank, the Ministry of Corporate A airs, Securities and Exchange Board of India, the Government of India, Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India, Stock

Exchanges and other Regulatory Authorities, Bankers, Lenders, Financial Institutions, Members, Credit Rating agencies, Customers of the Company for their continued support and trust. The Board of Directors also places on record its sincere appreciation for the commitment and hard work put in by the Management and the employees of the Company for an excellent year of performance.

Concludingly, the Board would like to thank all the investors as well as the communities we operate in who have reposed their trust in us and supported us in our journey.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors


Deepak Satwalekar

Chairman & Independent Director

DIN: 00009627

Date: May 8, 2024

Place: Mumbai