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    Arvind Port & Infra Ltd
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DLF gains as PAT jumps 61% YoY to Rs 1,059 crore in Q3 FY25
Jan 27,2025
Profit before exceptional item and tax in the third quarter of FY25 stood at Rs 476.11 crore, registering a de-growth of 6.93% on YoY basis. Exceptional loss during the quarter stood at Rs 302.39 crore.

EBITDA de-grew 4% YoY to Rs 609 crore during the period under review. EBITDA margin slipped to 35% in Q3 FY25 as compared to 39% recorded in the same quarter previous year.

In Q3 FY25, new sales bookings was at Rs 12,093 crore, up 33.67% from Rs 9,047 crore posted in same quarter last year.

Gross margin was at 52% in the quarter ended 31 December 2024, as against 56% recorded in the corresponding quarter previous year.

The company generated operating cash surplus at Rs 1,850 crore in the December 2024 quarter, consequently the net cash position stood at Rs 4,534 crore at the end of the period.

DLF said: “Our latest super luxury offering, The Dahlias in DLF 5, Gurugram, performed exceptionally well, garnering Rs 11,816 crore of new bookings in the opening quarter. The overwhelming response to our new offering has resulted in the company surpassing its annual guidance. New sales bookings for the first nine months of the fiscal year stands at Rs 19,187 crore.

DCCDL delivered another strong quarter. Q3 FY25 consolidated revenue of DLF Cyber City Developers (DCCDL) stood at Rs 1,609 crore, reflecting YoY growth of 9%; consolidated profit for the quarter stood at Rs 941 crore, registering a healthy growth of 117% as compared to Q3 FY24.”

“Our rental business continues to demonstrate steady growth, and we continue to have a positive outlook. We have laid down a strong capex program to accelerate the build out of our new products. Development of subsequent phases of Downtown, Chennai and Downtown, Gurugram totaling around 11 msf remains on track. Our ongoing projects, including Atrium Place in Gurugram and 3 retail malls, are expected to be completed soon with rents commencing in the next fiscal.

We believe that our business is well poised to leverage this structural upcycle backed by a significant land bank having high embedded potential, a robust pipeline of new products across both development and rental business, strong balance sheet and consistent cash flow generation,” the real-estate developer added.

DLF is one of the oldest and largest real estate companies in India. It has a diverse asset portfolio across the real estate segment and is further expanding its presence across the country. The company has experience in developing real estate projects across business and customer segments.