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Roto Pumps Ltd
Roto Pumps arm secures various orders for its water management solutions
Dec 09,2024

Roto Energy Systems, a subsidiary of Roto Pumps, has secured over 400 orders for its newly launched Solar Submersible Pumping Systems under the brand name “Roto Rudra”, reinforcing its position as a key player in sustainable water management globally. The orders span Australia, South Africa, and the Indian states of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra, supporting agriculture, irrigation, and renewable energy initiatives.

In South Africa, the company will supply 100 units of advanced Helical Rotor and Centrifugal Pumps, equipped with 10-pole motor pump sets, controllers, and remote monitoring capabilities. These systems deliver exceptional efficiency, with one model pumping water from a 200-meter borewell using just 1500 Wp of solar power.

In Australia, Roto Rudra will provide 100 solar-powered pumping units for agriculture. The RSSH 1.2-C and RSSH 1.4-D models, operating at 1,000 Wp and 1,500 Wp, respectively, support irrigation, livestock, and gardening needs, with dynamic heads of up to 200 meters.

Domestically, Roto Rudra received two major orders from Chhattisgarh under the CREDA Schemes, including 100 units of the RSSH 2.0-C model, which delivers over 15,000 liters/day at a head of 90 meters. Maharashtra's order comprises 100 units of the RSSH 1.2-C model, capable of pumping 7,800 liters/day at 120 meters using 1,000 Wp Monoperc Solar Modules.