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Adani Total Gas Ltd
Adani Total Gas slides after Q3 PAT fall 17% YoY to Rs 143 cr
Jan 27,2025
However, revenue from operations increased by 12.40% YoY to Rs 1,397.35 crore for the quarter ending 31 December 2024, driven by higher volume.

Profit before tax was at Rs 193.12 crore in Q3 FY25, down 16.56% as against Rs 231.46 crore reported in Q3 FY24.

PBT and PAT declined due to higher depreciation resulting from an expanded asset base.

The company’s EBITDA declined 10% YoY to Rs 272 crore in Q3 FY25, impacted due to higher gas costs.

Total sales volume jumped 15% to Rs 257 million metric standard cubic metric (MMSCM) in Q3 FY25 as against 224 MMSCM in Q3 FY24.

Compressed natural gas (CNG) sales increased by 19% YoY to 171 MMSCM, while piped natural gas (PNG) sales rose by 8% YoY to 86 MMSCM during the period under review.

During Q3 FY25, company added 28 new CNG stations, increasing the number to 605. The company has completed cumulative around 13,082 inch-km of steel pipeline network. The company has increased industrial & commercial connections to 8,913 with 167 new consumers added.

On nine-month basis, the company's consolidated net profit grew 2.23% to Rs 498.64 crore on 11.07% increase in revenue to Rs 3,949.94 crore in 9M FY25 over 9M FY24.

Suresh P Manglani, ED & CEO of Adani Total Gas, said, “ATGL maintained its growth trajectory, focusing on customer centric approach and delivering a robust operational performance with a notable 15% year-on-year increase in volume. Despite the reduced APM gas allocation, Team ATGL ensured an uninterrupted supply of CNG to our large masses of consumers by sourcing additional supplies of gas through alternative options.

The key to us is to calibrate the end prices balancing the affordability of end consumers and other stakeholders including profitability of the company which is evident from our growth in the volumes of 15% and EBIDTA growth of 6% for 9 months period on YoY basis. We are striving to further accelerate development of PNG and CNG infrastructure across our 34 GAs, including the recently added Jalandhar GA in Punjab.

Adani Total Gas is one of India's leading private players in developing city gas distribution (CGD) networks to supply piped natural gas (PNG) to industrial, commercial, domestic (residential) customers and compressed natural gas (CNG) to the transport sector.