Equity Analysis

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Quasar India Ltd - Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of Board Meeting
Dec 05,2024
We wish to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held today i.e. 5th December 2024 have inter alia considered and approved the following terms of the Right Issue: 1. Total number of Equity Shares and Rights Issue size: 428200000 Fully paid-up Equity Shares of ? 1/- (Rupees One Only) each at an issue price of ? 1.14/- (Rupees One and Fourteen Paisa Only) per equity share aggregating to ? 488148000/- 2. Right Issue Price: ? 1.14 per fully paid-up Equity Shares (including a premium of ? 0.14 per Equity Share). 3. Right Entitlement Ratio: 8 (Eight) new Right Shares for every 1 (One) Existing Equity Shares held by the eligible shareholders as on the Record Date as mentioned below.