IPO Synopsis

Quadrant Future Tek Ltd
Initial public issue of up to 1,00,00,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each (Equity Shares) of Quadrant Future Tek Limited (The Company) for cash at a price of Rs. 290.00 per equity share (Including a Share Premium of Rs. 280.00 per Equity Share) (Issue Price) aggregating up to Rs. 290.00 crores (Issue). The issue shall constitute 25 % of the post-issue paid-up equity share capital of the company. The Issue Price is Rs. 290 per equity share of face value of Rs.10 each. The Issue Price is 29 times of the face value of the equity shares. Bid can be made for a minimum of 50 equity shares and in multiples of 50 equity shares thereafter.
Opens On Closes On
07-Jan-25 09-Jan-25
Money Payable On
Application Allotment
290.00 0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos : 50 Further Multiples of : 50
Cr Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost (.Cr) 0.00 Sundae Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer (.Cr) 290.00  
Post Issue Equity Share Capital (.Cr) 40.00
Issue Price () 290.00
Funding long-term working capital requirements of the company
Capital expenditure for development for electronic interlocking systems
Prepayment or repayment of all or a portion of outstanding working capital term loan availed by the company
General corporate purpose
Promoted By
Mohit Vohra
Amit Dhawan
Amrit Singh Randhawa
Listing At
Registrar to the Issue
MUFG Intime India Pvt Ltd