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Quality Power Electrical Equipments Ltd
Quality Power jumps after acquiring majority stake in MEMEPL
Mar 07,2025
Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Pvt (MEMEPL), a leading manufacturer of high-voltage instrument transformers for utilities, industries and power transmission networks. Its turnover was Rs 219.34 crore in FY24.

The company has acquired MEMEPL to drive innovation through advanced R&D, focusing on next-generation high-voltage equipment, including smart monitoring and digital integration solutions. This acquisition strengthens the company’s portfolio by combining Mehru’s expertise in instrument transformers with its existing range of shunt reactors, power transformers, line traps, and FACTS solutions. It also expands market reach through Mehru’s established customer base in Southeast Asia and Africa, further enhancing the company’s global presence.

The company has acquired 5,22,750 equity shares of Rs 10 each representing 51% equity share of capital of Mehru Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

This acquisition represents a strategic milestone, aligning with Quality Power’s long-term vision to expand its technological capabilities, USP, manufacturing scale and global market reach.

Commenting on the acquisition of Mehru, Bharanidharan Pandyan, joint managing and whole-time director, Quality Power, said: “Mehru’s expertise in oil-filled and dry-type instrument transformers up to 500kV aligns perfectly with our vision of delivering world-class power equipments solutions. With the growing global demand for grid stability, FACTS, and renewable integration, this acquisition positions us strongly in a multi-billion-dollar market energy products market where the barriers to entry are high due to stringent technical requirements and regulatory compliance.

By integrating Mehru’s technology with our advanced manufacturing and global supply chain, we are creating a powerhouse of innovation, reliability, and customer-centric solutions. With this synergy, Quality Power is now better equipped than ever to serve utilities, industries, and infrastructure projects worldwide with superior, highprecision electrical equipment.”

Shares of Quality Power Electrical Equipment entered into stock market on 24 February 2025. The counter was listed at Rs 432, exhibiting a premium of 1.65% to the issue price, Rs 425. The IPO was subscribed 1.29 times.

Quality Power Electrical Equipment (QPEEL) offers a range of technology-driven products, comprehensive system solutions, and professional services tailored for the power sector. It is among the few global manufacturers of critical high-voltage equipment for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) networks.

The firm reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 50.08 crore and sales of Rs 155.74 crore for the six months ended on 30 September 2024.