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AGS Transact Tech Q3 net loss widens to Rs 194 cr
Feb 15,2025
However, revenue from operations grew by 43.92% to Rs 209.60 crore in Q3 FY25 from Rs 373.75 crore recorded in Q3 FY24.

The company reported a pre-tax loss of Rs 251.83 crore in Q3 FY25 as against a per-tax loss of Rs 22.75 crore in Q3 FY24.

Total expense jumped 14.4% year on year to Rs 465.33 crore during the quarter. The cost of materials consumed was at Rs 8.99 crore (down 70.09% YoY), while employee benefits expenses stood at Rs 46.50 crore (down 14.84% YoY) during the period under review.

Meanwhile, the company has reported the resignations of four individuals, effective 14 February 2025. The company's board accepted the resignations of independent directors Sivanandhan Dhanushkodi and Jhuma Guha.

Additionally, Sneha Kadam resigned from her position as company secretary and compliance officer, and Shailesh Shetty resigned as managing director of Securevalue India (SVIL) and senior management personnel of the company.

The company stated that all resignations were due to personal reasons.

AGS Transact Technologies is one of the largest integrated omni-channel payment solutions providers in India in terms of providing digital and cash-based solutions to banks and corporate clients.

Shares of AGS Transact Technologies declined 4.99% to close at Rs 31.81 on Friday, 14 February 2025.