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    JMJ Fintech Ltd
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Mumbai High engages BP Exploration (Alpha) as Technical Services Provider
Jan 08,2025

Mumbai High (MH) is an Oil Producing Field of the Company, located in the Mumbai offshore area, was discovered by Oil & Natural Gas Corpn in 1974 and started production in 1976. While the Company focuses on unlocking the potential of new hydrocarbon resources through green-field projects, enhancing recovery from mature fields like MH also remains a top priority for increasing domestic production.

The Company had issued an International Competitive Bidding (ICB) tender on June 1, 2024 to engage a Technical Services Provider (TSP) for Mumbai High Field with expertise in managing complex mature reservoirs and implementing advanced recovery technologies and best operational practices. Through this ICB tender, the Company invited bids from international operators with proven technical expertise, financial strength, and a track record in similar projects.

After the bid evaluation process, BP Exploration (Alpha), a wholly-owned step-down subsidiary of BP Plc, UK has been selected as the TSP. The TSP will review the field performance & identify improvements in reservoir, facilities and wells to enhance the production from MH field. The TSP has indicated a substantial increase in O+OEG production (up to 60%) from baseline production levels (reputed third-party vetted production estimates with natural decline) over 10 years contract period.