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Gujarat Toolroom hits the roof on bonus issue plan
Jan 02,2025
The board of Gujarat Toolroom has scheduled a meeting on Monday, 6 January 2025, to consider a proposal to issue bonus shares to shareholders in the ratio of 5:1 (five bonus equity shares for every one equity share held). The bonus shares will be issued by capitalizing securities premium, subject to the approval of the company's shareholders.

Gujarat Toolroom is engaged in a diversified trading business, dealing in a wide range of products including silver conductive ink, agriculture commodities, construction materials, fabrics, and trading of equity shares.

On a consolidated basis, net profit of Gujarat Toolroom soared 1016.25% to Rs 26.79 crore while net sales rose 72.65% to Rs 270.51 crore in Q2 September 2024 over Q2 September 2023.