
Top Losers

    As On: 21 Feb,2025  |  EOD

    Allows viewing the top losers for Future stocks and indices based on the % change in the Last Future price along with % change in open interest in the Futures. Click on Right side Drop down box to view this page for particular Futures indices.
  • Group
Instrument Type Underlying Expiry Date Option Type Last Price() Change(%) OI OI Chg(%)
OPTSTK ATUL 27-Feb-25 CE 0.05 -99.76 900 0.00
OPTSTK BOSCHLTD 27-Feb-25 PE 0.15 -99.26 175 -12.50
OPTSTK INDIAMART 27-Feb-25 CE 0.20 -96.67 11400 -2.56
OPTSTK SIEMENS 27-Feb-25 CE 0.35 -96.37 14025 -0.53
OPTSTK LTTS 27-Feb-25 CE 0.50 -95.90 500 -16.67
OPTSTK CAMS 27-Feb-25 CE 0.25 -94.74 2500 17.65
OPTSTK TVSMOTOR 27-Feb-25 PE 0.80 -94.54 2800 60.00
OPTSTK TIINDIA 27-Feb-25 CE 0.50 -93.51 3450 0.00
OPTSTK CONCOR 27-Mar-25 CE 1.60 -93.42 23000 2200.00
OPTSTK CHOLAFIN 27-Feb-25 PE 0.10 -92.86 4375 0.00